Definition of Cerebral edema

1. Noun. Swelling of the brain due to the uptake of water in the neuropile and white matter.

Exact synonyms: Brain Edema
Generic synonyms: Dropsy, Edema, Hydrops, Oedema

Definition of Cerebral edema

1. Noun. An excess accumulation of water in the intra- and/or extra-cellular spaces of the brain. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Cerebral Edema

cerebral arteriography
cerebral arteriovenous malformations
cerebral artery
cerebral calculus
cerebral cladosporiosis
cerebral compression
cerebral contusion
cerebral cortex
cerebral cortexes
cerebral cortices
cerebral death
cerebral decompression
cerebral decortication
cerebral dominance
cerebral dysplasia
cerebral edema
cerebral edemas
cerebral embolism and thrombosis
cerebral fissures
cerebral flexure
cerebral gigantism
cerebral haematoma
cerebral haemorrhage
cerebral hemisphere
cerebral hemispheres
cerebral hemorrhage
cerebral hernia
cerebral herniation
cerebral hypoxia
cerebral index

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